If a particular drug substance could be proved to produce a certain group of subjective and objective symptoms when administered to a group of healthy individuals, that drug substance could be used as a therapeutic agent to cure disease conditions in any person that are expressed by similar set of subjective and objective symptoms.

This was the objective observation regarding phenomenon of curative actions of drugs made by the genius of Dr Samuel Hahneman and proved by repeated experiments, that led to the introduction of the novel therapeutic system of ‘homeopathy’ based on the fundamental principle Similia Similibus Curentur more than two centuries ago.

Due to the primitive state of scientific knowledge available at that time, it is natural that hahnemann could not provide a scientific explanation to his observations, and he tried to explain it using the philosophical concepts of ‘dynamic energy’ and ‘vital force’.

Even though the ‘dynamic’ explanations hahnemann provided for his objective observations are obviously unscientific and irrational in our modern knowledge environment, it does not mean the natural phenomena he observed and tried to explain are invalid or non-existent. It was wrongly explained due to limitations of scientific knowledge- that is all. What scientific community has to do is to try whether it could be explained in a way fitting to advanced scientific knowledge of modern biochemistry and pharmacodynamics.

Using the modern knowledge of biochemistry, we can now understand that hahnemann was actually observing the phenomena such as ‘molecular mimicry’ and ‘competitive inhibitions’ while talking about ‘similarity’ of drug symptoms and disease symptoms. Drug symptoms and disease symptoms appear ‘similar’ when drug substance and disease-causing substance contain some molecules having ‘similar’ conformations, so that they could bind to ‘similar’ molecular targets in the body and produce ‘similar’ molecular errors in biochemical pathways that are expressed through ‘similar’ trains of subjective and objective symptoms. Molecules having ‘similar’ conformations can compete each other in biochemical interations, which is known as ‘molecular mimicry’ according to paradigms of modern biochemistry. It is well known how molecular mimicry and molecular competitions play big role in modern understanding of molecular therapeutics.

Actually, the phenomena of ‘molecular mimicry’ and ‘molecular competitions’ and their role in therapeutics were first observed by Hahnemann, and developed into the therapeutic principle of Similia Similibus Curentur, which modern scientific community is still hesitating to understand or recognize!

Author: Chandran Nambiar K C

I am Chandran Nambiar K C Author, REDEFINING HOMEOPATHY Managing Director, Fedarin Mialbs Private Limited Developer. SIMILIMUM ULTRA Homeopathic Software I am not a scientist, academician, scholar, professional homeopath or anybody with 'big credentials', but an old lay man, a retired government servant, who accidentally happened to fall into the deep waters of the great ocean of homeopathic knowledge during his fiery teenage years, and was destined to live a whole life exploring the mysteries of that wonderful world with unending enthusiasm. My interest in homeopathy happened very accidentally when I was only 20 years old UNDERGRADUATE ZOOLOGY student, through a constant relationship with a local practitioner who happened to be father of my classmate. I was a regular visitor in his clinic, where from I started reading BOERICKE MATERIA MEDICA and other homeopathic books, which helped me to cure myself my troublesome asthma that have been haunting me since my childhood days. I became a voracious reader of homeopathy.

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