Instead of rejecting outrightly, Scientific Community Should Approach Homeopathy in a Scientific Way


Science is a systematic endeavor that builds and organizes knowledge through testable explanations and predictions about phenomena in the universe. The scientific method involves observing phenomena, formulating hypotheses, conducting experiments, and drawing conclusions. Homeopathy, as an unexplained or poorly explained phenomenon, warrants scientific investigation rather than outright dismissal.

The Importance of Scientific Method

The scientific method is essential for evaluating phenomena and formulating hypotheses , and develope them into theories through further research. Without a scientifically viable hypothesis, genuine scientific research cannot proceed. Homeopathy requires a hypothesis to guide further investigation.

Proposed Hypothesis: Molecular Imprints Therapeutics

A proposed hypothesis regarding homeopathy consist of molecular imprinting involved in potentization, and the competitive relationship of chemical molecules in bio-molecular interactions involved in similia similibus curentur. This hypothesis must be tested and validated through scientific experimentation to establish homeopathy as a legitimate medical science.

Characteristics of Scientific Inquiry

Scientific inquiry relies on empirical and measurable evidence and follows specific principles of reasoning. Hypotheses are proposed explanations for phenomena, and experiments are designed to test these hypotheses through predictions derived from them.

Falsifiability of Hypotheses

A scientifically viable hypothesis must be falsifiable, meaning that it can be tested through experiments. Predictions, testing, and analysis are essential steps in validating a scientific hypothesis.

Testing the Molecular Imprints Hypothesis

Predictions derived from the Molecular Imprints Therapeutics (MIT) hypothesis include:

1. Absence of original drug molecules in potentized preparations above Avogadro limit.

2. Similar chemical constitution of high potency drugs and plain water-alcohol mixtures.

3. Therapeutic effects of potentized drugs compared to the inertness of plain water-alcohol mixtures.

4. Differences in supra-molecular organizations between high potency drugs and plain water-alcohol mixtures.

5. Biological properties of high potency drugs being reverse to those of their molecular forms.

6. Capability of high potency drugs to antidote or neutralize the biological effects of their molecular forms.


The scientific community should approach homeopathy with an open mind, applying the tools of the scientific method to evaluate its claims. The Molecular Imprints Therapeutics hypothesis provides a framework for further investigation, but it must be rigorously tested through scientific experiments to determine its validity. Only through this approach can homeopathy be established as a genuine scientific medical system.

Author: Chandran Nambiar K C

I am Chandran Nambiar K C Author, REDEFINING HOMEOPATHY Managing Director, Fedarin Mialbs Private Limited Developer. SIMILIMUM ULTRA Homeopathic Software I am not a scientist, academician, scholar, professional homeopath or anybody with 'big credentials', but an old lay man, a retired government servant, who accidentally happened to fall into the deep waters of the great ocean of homeopathic knowledge during his fiery teenage years, and was destined to live a whole life exploring the mysteries of that wonderful world with unending enthusiasm. My interest in homeopathy happened very accidentally when I was only 20 years old UNDERGRADUATE ZOOLOGY student, through a constant relationship with a local practitioner who happened to be father of my classmate. I was a regular visitor in his clinic, where from I started reading BOERICKE MATERIA MEDICA and other homeopathic books, which helped me to cure myself my troublesome asthma that have been haunting me since my childhood days. I became a voracious reader of homeopathy.

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